Showing posts with label Harbinger Stowe & Son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harbinger Stowe & Son. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2022


The Line on Land and Sea

Hawksbill Beach
Beach chair, suntan lotion, alarm clock for tanning, Geist and Geist cotton shirt over short shorts; Lilly Dache sombrero; Terrycloth robe and beach bag by Porthault

High-key pastel on the high-seas... hooded parka by White Stag
On The Harbinger, Antigua

White in Mohair and simulated patent leather

Cover up: Chic and Casual 

Bold and Brilliant on the Beach of the Anchorage Inn
B.H.Wragge nylon jersey

Harper's Bazaar
May 1962
Photography: Avedon
Model: Suzy Parker

A decade before Twiggy and The Shrimp disrupted fashion’s runways and the pages of high-fashion magazines, Suzy Parker reigned supreme. The forties and early fifties belonged to Suzy’s sister, Dorian Leigh, Mary Jane Russel, Jean Patchett, and a hand full of other top models, the mid-fifties to mid-sixties were all about Suzy.

Raised in Highland Park, New Jersey, Suzy Parker started as a model in her early teens with the encouragement of her sister, Supermodel, Dorian Leigh. Both beauties were dominant forces in the fashion scene, but soon Suzy would break out and be hailed as the epitome of Fifties Glamour. 

Though initially reluctant to use her, she became a muse of Avedon, often a feature of his Paris Openings fashion portfolios in the September Issues of Harper's Bazaar. In Leigh's bio, The Girl Who Had Everything, The Story of the Fire and Ice Girl, he is quoted as saying "I don't know if I can work with someone so beautiful. There may not be enough that I can do to create something of my own." Ultimately they both did. They left behind a plethora of stellar fashion images both intimate and easily accessible.

Gorgeous, with natural beauty and demeanour, she soon successfully transitioned to Model/Actor, blending a career in both disciplines with the support of an adoring audience.

The Wow Factor

Suzy Parker

1932  - 2003